Economic Security


What will you get?
1. Organization of checks of personal data of employees of the enterprise, assessment of the "past" of employees in order to carry out further checks to establish their involvement in violations, as well as to carry out preventive measures against them.

2. Organization of checks of personal data of the heads of the enterprise, the facts of improper fulfillment of obligations, its judicial history (participation in courts, enforcement proceedings, bankruptcy procedures) are checked, what is the fate of the enterprises they previously headed.

3. Verification of the reliability of contractors;

4. Checking the integrity of candidates, employees, stakeholders;

5. Profiling activities;

6. The unspoken introduction of an employee into the workforce;

7. Polygraph;

8. Protection of commercial and official secrets.

1. Anti-sanction compliance.

2. Antimonopoly compliance.

3. Tax compliance.

4. Ethical compliance.

5. Anti-corruption compliance.

6. ESG and compliance.

Conducting investigations

1. Combatting theft and preventing theft schemes, gathering evidence.

2. Fighting corporate fraud.

3. Forensic investigations.

4. Compliance investigations.

Tax support service

1. Risk management;

2. Sending requests to the tax agencies and analyzing the responses received;

3. Consultations regarding the occurrence of tax risks or consequences;

4. Support of tax audits;

5. Consulting and preparation of tax reports on income and assets of individuals (including employees) – residents and non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, determination of the status of tax residence, objects and places of taxation.

Government Relations (GR)

1. Building a PR policy, interacting with the media and specific journalists and bloggers;

2. Tracking public events, changes in the regulatory framework and assessing their impact on business;

3. Journalistic investigations;

4. Working with the expert community;

5. Work with public associations;

6. Holding of round tables meetings, press conferences;

7. Establishment of industry and regional stakeholders, building communications with them;

8. Participation in expert and working groups at government agencies, international organizations and public associations;

9. Participation in legislative activities taking into account the interests of business;

10. Building a policy of relations with the regulator;

11. Dialogue with political parties..

Internal security

1. Fight against counterfeiting and contraband

2. Search for stolen cargo/property;

3. Control purchase.

Due diligence

Compliance and AML/CFT

Before starting a business, we sign a non-disclosure agreement with each client, which will allow you to remain calm about your private information.
The liability of employees of the SHIELD Group of companies is insured for 1 billion tenge.
The Company's employees have received appropriate accreditation from the Ministry of Justice
of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Submit Application
The Company's employees were educated in different countries of the world – Great Britain, Russia, Kazakhstan, which allows them to freely navigate disputes with foreign jurisdictions.
80% of the group's employees previously served in government agencies
We are able to resist attempts by opponents to connect administrative and criminal resources to resolve the issue in their favor.
Initial contact
You leave a request on our website, a personal manager contacts you and provides detailed information on all types of services.
Technical Assignment
Our analyst meets with you to give you a consultation and draw up a technical assignment according to your requirements
After agreeing on the techical assignment, we sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). The company's specialists study the information and documents received from the Customer and determine the further course of action.
Formation of an individual offer for the Customer, agreement of the contract, resolution of disputes, signing of the Contract.
Start of work
The start of the project, the direct execution of the work.
Project completion
Completion of the work. Transfer of project results to the Customer. Signing of the act of completed works.
Project support
Within a certain period of time after the work is carried out, the Customer is accompanied in all areas of the work performed and given appropriate consultation.
What can you do for the complete security of your business right now:
Our experts will consult you in the nearest time:
I agree to the terms of data processing
Or write to our employee in a messenger convenient for you:
050010, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Medeu district,
Kabanbai batyr str. 10, 4th floor
+7 (747) 563 42 33
+7 (727) 313 16 13